We were contacted by Mr and Mrs T from Cambridgeshire who had a familiar problem: their failed soakaway was causing the septic tank to fill up, and the sewer pipes from the house to the septic tank to be constantly blocked up.

They were reticent to invite people to stay because the downstairs toilet would not flush properly, and if their visitors had showers or baths the septic tank would overflow and a puddle of foul smelling effluent would appear in the garden.
We recommended a septic tank conversion to solve their problem.

We visited the site, completely analysed the problem and recommended a septic tank conversion using the Allerton ConSept.
The Allerton ConSept was installed within the existing septic tank and a new 20m long high-level soakaway extension was added.
Due to access restrictions and to limit the disruption to the lawn, the soakaway was hand dug. The turf was removed, the soil was barrowed out and stone barrowed in. Finally the turf was replaced leaving a scar across the lawn that was already beginning to disappear a couple of weeks after installation.
Mr and Mrs T are no longer worried when visitors come to stay.
Q: What is a ConSept?
A: A conversion of a septic tank, a cesspool, a well, or some other underground tank to a sewage treatment plant.
Q: Can I still make use of the septic tank if the soakaway has failed?
A: If it is GRP constructed you can. If it is brick, it will depend on sizes. You can still make use of the septic tank by installing a ConSept if it’s big enough. In order to fit a ConSept, the water level below the inlet level needs to be more than 1.1m. Also the volume of water needs to be more than 2 cubic metres.
Read our page about Septic Tank Soakaway Problems for more info.
Q: Can rain water go into a septic tank?
A: NO, heavy rain can wash all the stored solids into the soakaway or ditch or block the ConSept.
Q: Can I outfall ConSept treated water to a ditch?
A: YES, but only if you obtain a permit from the EA. Though Allerton will help you with it.
Contact us for more details.
Q: If my septic tank goes into a soakaway, do I need permission to install a ConSept?
A: NO. But you do if you decide to outfall it into a ditch.
Q: What does the engineer do in a service of a ConSept, what does it entail?
A: Check pumps, insitu, takeout, strip and clean, check distributor head/wiring junction box/panel and timer if applicable.
Q: How long is it before we can use toilets while the ConSept is being installed?
A: Immediately, and you can use both shower and washing machine later in the day.
Q: When will my unit need emptying?
A: ConSept in a GRP tank, once every 2 years but in a brick tank better to empty every year. Discuss with the Service Engineer. He is in a better place to make judgement.
Q: Can we use bleach?
A: Bleach can be used in moderate amounts. The unit should not smell like a ST and bleach in excess is not needed. A cap full per week should be enough, preferably not all on one day.
Q: Can I use a cesspool?
A: Yes.