The ISO 9001 certification improves, monitors and manages the quality of our products and services. It has been essential for the development of the business as it provides framework and guidance to help consistently meet our customers’ and other stakeholders expectations and regulatory requirements. Keeping our ducks in a row helps us plan for how to be even better in the future!
The ISO 9001 Audit is a system of documented, independent processes for gathering and recording facts about a business. This allows us to see what works well and pinpoint areas of improvement, to ensure we have the best practices for our business operations in place.
The International Organisation for Standardisation, or ISO, whose tagline is “we develop and publish international standards”, do just that! They are a non-governmental international body, with the aim of developing a standardised guideline for different types of businesses. They bring global experts in the fields together to come up with the best way of doing things, so companies can give the best services, and customers can get the most out of their money. Their website states: “our mission is to make lives easier, safer and better – for everyone, everywhere.” For us, that means providing the best septic tank services!
Got any of your own suggestions for how we can improve? Contact Us Here ~
What Does It Mean For YOU?
The ISO 9001 Is proven to increase company efficiency, meaning we can get to your septic tank problems even faster, and provide a lightning fast Lincolnshire Emergency Service.
This is the same for increased morale amongst our engineers, who are happier at work when things are organised and running smoothly. This means they’re feeling good and able to provide the 5 star Allerton customer service we love to give.
International recognition for your local sewage services means better access to higher quality products and services in the future. This means less waiting around for your sewage emergency!
Better supplier relationships are achieved by being more organised about operations, and faster turnaround times, which means we can bring better prices to YOU, the customer.
Another key part of the ISO is improving on Record Keeping, ensuring we’re using the best methods to safely store data, in accordance with latest guidelines such as the UK GDPR.
It’s also a dedication to the continuous improvement of all areas of our service – You’ll keep getting more and more value with Allerton!
ISO Auditing Principles
The main objective of the ISO 9001 is: Plan – Do – Check – Act
Planning thoroughly each of the steps needed for the business to function optimally. This means keeping complete records, and conducting audits such as this one.
Doing the steps laid out in our plan to continue working to the ISO international standard, and work most efficiently within the business.
Checking over our work continuously, both as we’re completing it and once it has been finished. This is so we can keep assessing what works well and what doesn’t, so we can keep giving our customers even better service.
Acting on the observations to make informed decisions going forward.
Engagement of People across all sectors of the company is key to creating good communication across its operation. Using teamwork, we function like a well oiled machine, and everyone’s contributions are important. Evaluating people and processes in the company include maintaining strong leadership and managerial processes, and employee morale. It is a highly tested process based approach that takes observations of real examples to make decisions for the future, grounded in facts. New data is made all the time as we continue to provide excellent local sewage services, that we can look back on and make even more improvements in the future!

How Allerton Passed
We provided extensive records of evidence of the quality of our service, in order to prove that it meets the set international standard by the ISO.
This includes:
- Monitoring and measuring equipment calibration records
- Records of training, skills, experience, and qualifications
- Product/service requirements review records
- Record about design and development outputs review
- Record about design and development inputs
- Records of design and development controls
- Records of design and development outputs
- Design and development changes records
- Characteristics of product to be produced and service to be provided
- Records about customer property
- Production/service provision change control records
- Record of conformity of product/service with acceptance criteria
- Record of nonconforming outputs
- Monitoring measurement results
- Internal audit program
- Results of internal audits
- Results of the management review
- Results of corrective actions
The evidence we provided to pass the audit are examples of international quality service that we have recorded over the years. From behind the scenes nitty-gritty paperwork, to on the front lines installing your sewage treatment system, we’re hitting the international standard.
The only area of improvement in our audit was to use the updated ISO 9001 Logo, as we were a little behind on the times – we promptly corrected it. However we’re always looking for ways to improve, so we’ll continue to build upon this audit!
Passing the ISO 9001 Audit proves that our methods meet an international standard, and shows our dedication to continue improving our services. All the benefits we receive mentioned throughout this post from taking part in this audit, we pass directly onto you, the customer. This is in the form of 5 star customer service, the best value prices, and the smartest wastewater and septic tank solutions.
Any suggestions? Comment below
Contact Us – we love to hear from you!
Binding Rules: How do I know I am not breaking the rules?
Read the General Binding Rules or ring us. Also see the official general binding rules.
What is the best domestic sewage treatment plant?
They are all good. They have to satisfy rigorous testing with human sewage for a long period. Personally I prefer the WPL Diamond.
How does a small sewage treatment plant work?
All sewage systems work by adding oxygen to the sewage which passes through.
These days it is mainly done by passing fine air bubbles through the water, allowing the bacteria air as well as food and water. They convert the sewage to harmless gases in the air.
What is the difference between a sewage treatment plant and a septic tank?
There is more information and a comparison table in the about septic tanks section of our septic tank soakaway problems page.
What is the difference between wastewater and sewage?
Generally sewage from a house can be called wastewater or sewage wastewater. Commercial waste water covers a whole lot of chemical processes. Food production, factory waste, abattoirs, irrigation, and swimming pool water.
The humble sewage treatment plant can not deal with this and special treatment systems are employed.
Why is sewage treatment important?
The rivers would become polluted and poisonous, not just to fish and plants, but it could cause pandemics that would wipe us all out!
How often does a septic tank need emptying?
Every 12 months, with a ConSept. Two years is possible, depending on the size of the Septic Tank.
Can rain water go into a septic tank?
NO, heavy rain can wash all the stored solids into the Soakaway or ditch or block the ConSept. All lavatory, showers, wash basins, sinks etc are classed as foul. These must go to the septic tank. Rain water must NOT go into the septic tank.
How do I know when my septic tank is full?
It’s difficult to gauge, so have it emptied every year. This will help lengthen the life of a soakaway. Read more about soakaways.
How do I clean my septic tank naturally?
It should be emptied regularly by a registered waste contractor. The mess inside the walls of the septic tank is actually full of bacteria and should be left alone. Do not hose it down!
How do I test to see if rain water gets into the septic tank?
- You will need to establish what type of water is flowing through each manhole on the property.
- You will need to work out where the water from the stormwater manholes flows to e.g. into a ditch or soakaway.
Lift the manhole covers and observe. Have someone flush the toilets, then run the taps for the shower, then bath, etc. The water coming from each of these sources is foul water. And if you see it flowing through the manhole, it is called a foul manhole.
Once you establish that it is a foul manhole, then check to see that no stormwater goes into any foul manhole. To check that, on a rainy day stand in the rain with nobody in the house and see if any water goes through each foul manhole. On a summer’s day you can squirt water into the gutter to imitate rainfall.
Afterwards, draw a plan of the property and show the foul manholes and pipes in red and the pipes and manholes for the stormwater in blue. This is also useful when you sell the house.